Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Twenty Three Things

So far I've been "learning" about things I have already been trained in...Luckily I will be getting continuing-ed credit! I don't see how sitting around reading blogs and posting on other people's blogs makes us better public service librarians. Perhaps I'm disilluioned with the whole 2.o thing.


  1. I'm really glad you said this out loud. It was one of my concerns, when we designed the program, that only the people who already knew this stuff would sign up for it, thus defeating the purpose!

    We tried to add in extra stuff in each week's wiki page so that the advanced learners would have more things to explore - can you give us some suggestions for things we can do to make sure we're addressing the needs of the "power user" librarians?

    There are signs that 2.0 fever might be wearing off, or at least downgrading to something like an upper respiratory infection. ;) I personally think that almost all the librarians are up to speed, and now it's time to educate our patrons, mamy of whom are really not as familiar with this stuff as we all are. JMHO, YMMV.

  2. agreed, leigh anne. and i also find reading, especially other children's library department and staff blogs, makes me feel a little less isolated in my own work. AND, i get to steal ideas! for example, i'm working with homestead on renovating their children's room and i wouldn't have known about what darien count library (CT) is up to unless i read their blog (it was probably somewhere in library journal too!) but we've been able to take some of their collection development ideas (as well as USC's!) and incorporate them into the plans. i also find great stories on michael stephens' blog (tame the web) that inspire me on how to manage change and see how other libraries in the country are managing it. there's some inspiring stuff out there that often re-energizes my fading librarian batteries!

  3. Just stopping by to say hello, Colleen! If you've fallen behind, no worries! Just jump in any time - this week we're looking at databases! Woohoo!
